How long is it okay to wait to pour concrete after termite pretreatment?
1 answer
Should Premise be sprayed on a bare brick wall and concrete slab surface as a preventive measure against termites?
Is termite-2 packing 240ml, after desolving in 30 gallon water can cover 900 sq. feet area in pre construction case
Will this product work on bore beatles found in rattan furniture? They leave a very fine powdered dust on the floor
Do you have to buy the foaming sprayer or is there another liguid you mix with this to get the foaming aspect of pr
can I brush ar spray the mixed liquid onto infested wood are do I have to drill holes?
can I use this inside between a block foundation and a slab enclosed porch and is it harmful to dogs
How much Premise solution is applied per linear foot in a foundation trench?
Can I use premise 2 to treat reclaimed wood before building a dining table with it?
which is the most effective against subterranean termites phantom or premise 2?
does Premise have an odor?