i work In a restaurant and we have a problem with flies which product can i use to kill them
1 answer
CB 80 Fogging Insecticide With Pyrethrum
Will the Gourmet Ant Bait harm my cat or dog if they accidnenty get into it?
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
My home is in San Diego. I noticed a termite tunnel going from the ground into the garage. definate infestation.
2 answers
The Original Bait Key Model Termite
Would this product hurt a pet hamster?
Orange Guard Home Pest Control
Is the bait not toxic to pets if ingested (break open the trap, lick, etc?)
Do you have a time release product that kills fruit flies?
PT Microcare Pressurized Insecticide
Is this safe to put in home vents and in furnace for the smell of dead mice
Rat Sorb Odor Eliminator