Do you sell beneficial nematodes and predators for indoor fungus gnats?
1 answer
Product Questions
For new construction, when do you apply the under slab Termidor SC?
Termidor SC 78 oz
Bees built in our birdbox last year,used Tempo dust to exterminate.Is it safe for birds to nest in it this year?
what is a better product for my termite bait stations: Termidor Foam Termiticide/Insecticide orControl Solutions F
Do you deliver Advion gel bait killer to Canada?
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait 30 gram
Can you use this fogger in a crawlspace under the house?
Giant Destroyer Smoke Bomb
Are the terminate termite detection and killing stakes pet safe?
0 answers
Is deer scram toxic to dogs
Does any product penetrate pink fiberglass insulation to kill drywood termites?
Product Questions, General Help
Is the Gourmet Green Way Liquid Ant Bait organic?
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
What is the best blend of materials to use for mosquito treatment in N. Texas?
2 answers
Pest Questions, Product Questions
Looking for recommendations to deal with repeat chigger infestations
3 answers
Pest Questions, Product Questions, General Help
I applied Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer on my lawn
Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer Concentrate RTS
do you ship internationally to bahrain
Brandenburg Universal Glue Board
Argentine ants - Use KM Ant Pro stations AND Bifen LP granules AND Taurus SC?
6000 sq ft new construction foundation
Termidor SC 20 oz
Hey Ron, what's the difference between vendetta and vendetta nitro?
Have used the ant pro stations for many years, but this year they are now coming inside inspite of the stations be
Can I use onslaught microencapsulated insecticide in a fogger backpack blower
Setting up ant bait stations
Just asked about bait stations for Asian termites
Will Nuvan strips be effective in the attic if there are soffit and gable vents?
Propane fogger insecticide for vegetables
powder termite tretment and long term prevention
can organic oil be mixed with demand?
Whats comparable to temprid sc
When will your Dekko Silverfish Bait Paks be in stock?
Dekko Silverfish Bait Paks
How do i neutralize/denature microencapsulated pesticide???
Onslaught Microencapsulated Insecticide
How long do you have to leave the premises after applying PT Ultracide?
PT Ultracide Pressurized Flea IGR and Adulticide Carpet Spray
How many gallons does the E-Z Sorb soak up?
EZ Sorb
My daughter got a hold of one of the gentrol point source discs and put it in her mouth for a few seconds before I
Gentrol Point Source Roach Control Disk
Which system do you recommend Trelona or the HexPro?
Trelona ATBS Annual Bait Stations
When to apply (weather, time of year, southern climate)
Bifen LP Insecticide Granules
I have holes drilled with 1/2 bit in concrete. Do I need 1/2" or would 9/16" plugs fit tighter?
Trebor Triple Seal Plug
I have a summer home in Canada. Will open container of unused liquid bait be effective in spring after hard freeze?
Gourmet Green Way Liquid Ant Bait Quart
Do misting systems work on No Seeums
Does surrender fire ant killer work for killing bed bugs
How long do I need to wait to retreat with advion roach killer
With Termidor HE do I use 0.06% or 0.125% dilution rate for trenching around foundation for prevention?
Termidor HE High Efficiency Termiticide
Does Bora-Care product expire or loose potency after a few years?
Bora Care Wood Treatment 1 Gallon Jug
Is there a spray for powder post beetles?
Advance and slugs
Advance Carpenter Ant Granular Bait
Do you sell the plastic stakes separately
Which is best to kill spiders Demon WP or Max?
Demon WP 4 Water Soluble Sachets
Will Demon WP stain Vinyl siding ? Are any of the micro encapsulated WP's effective on spiders ?
Snails on screen
NiBan Granular Bait
I have new Vendetta Plus cockroach gel bit from 2018, it will still work?
Vendetta Plus Cockroach Gel Bait
How do I change Mistaway remote battery ?
I live in North Las Vegas, for which pests should I treat my home and the perimeter, and how often??
Product Questions, Pest Questions