is Bifen used to kill carpenter ants?
1 answer
is bifen I/t safe to spray on carpet? how about dogs?
will it control fleas and ticks in yard
What if it rains after use
Does Bifen deal with bed bugs?
does it kill mosquitos
I want to know if BIFENI/T INSECTICIDE is this safe to spray inside. I have astma, is there a order
does it have an order. do I need to be out of house when sprayed
Do you ship to Ontario Canada? Also what is the best spray for spiders outdoors for around the house
Can I use this product around my vegetable garden
Can I spray Bifen I/T on my magnolia tree?
will this kill ladybugs or asian lady bugs
I do animal rescue work-is Bifen IT safe around dogs/cats? What are the precautions?
Can this be used on furniture or draperies
How often does Bifen need to be reapplied around foundations for termites?
How toxic is it to cats if they eat grass that was sprayed?
how does it compare to products like Cyper TC ( cyphermethrin) ( 3-phenoxyphenyl) /- cis,trans-3-(2.2dichloroethen
I'm about to purchase 3/4gal of bifen , how do I acquire a coupon code ?
how good is this product against severe fly ingestion?
How do I get rid of centipedes?
Does this leave a visible residue on dark surfaces?
Can Bifen I/t be used on hay field/pastures
Hi I was wondering if you ship to canada?
safe for dogs
can I use this right in the soil of my houseplants? if so, how much would I use? spray or pour?
how safe is bifin around children & gardens?
what is the amount of product I would need Average size household
best product for centipedes
We have thousands of flies swarming around our house, they need to go... What is the best spray to use?
2 answers