What strength of Termidor should be used
2 answers
Can Termidor be used indoors? Should you wear a respirator or goggles when applying? What if it touches the skin?
1 answer
What is the best way to apply termidor for killing carpenter ants and preventing termites?
Should I use a hose end sprayer with Termidor SC?
20' pine tree died in less than two months. Ants with pile of shaving. what is best to kill. 300 trees
What do you recommend for known termites in a wall. Outside trenching with Termidor and something for the inside?
Can Termidor be used inside on slab where there are small settling crack lines as a preventive before tiling floor
how much do i need to buy to process 1600 sq.ft. house?
Can I use termidor Sc liquid barrier and advance bait station. If so how far from trenching do abs need to be pl
How do I know how much termite foam agent and poison to buy? I have about 35 ft of wall to foam. The gap 1/2ft.
Looking at Termidor SC info says .06 dilution, 20 oz makes 25 gal. Mathematically, I get 41.66 gal per 20 oz. ?
Will this stop carpenter bees from boring holes in a log home and how long?
will this kill power post beetles ?
6000 sq ft new construction foundation
How long can theTermidor sc treated open trench for termites stay open before it is covered with the treated soil
In FL. Had a major East Sub termite infestation a few months ago & have pool damage (concrete pool). Seen this?
0 answers
My footer is 8 ft deep full basement. Should I be using 16 gallons of terminal up per 10 linear feet to treat to t
Full basement, footing is 8 feet deep , how much termidor per ten linear feet
How many gallons will 20oz of terimdor make. should I add terimdor mix to top of trench after its back filled also.
Does freezing effect Termidor storage?
14 year old cedar split rail fence has a few posts and rails that have subterranean termites. How to apply?
What is the weight of a box of 4??
how to use Termidor under the house to get rid off terrain termites ?there is 2300 linear feet around the house
shelf life of product
what is the best way to kill cutter ants
Do you apply termidor direcly onto ant mound or only around perimeter??? Most other ant control products indicate
do you ship to Canada I am interested in termidor 20 oz
Is this product (Termidor SC) harmful to green tree frogs, geckos or green anole lizards
How do I treat powder post beetle?
is it safe to use in the house on carpet
Does it get rid of swarming termites also?
What are the known side effects to a person who is in early stage Parkinson, and also a person who has had lymphoma
dry wall with exterior aluminum siding driil holes in the walls and inject termidor sc plug them back with sealer
Termidor Application
How long from the time you apply Termimdor SC to the First Rain ?
will Termidor SC work for Wasps and Fire ants?
Thanks for the notification. How toxic is this Termidor you mention? Especially for babies.
I had a termite swarm in the baby room, and I am moving to my new home in 6 days, What should I do? Clem
what is the best pump/sprayer to apply termidor SC through holes drilled in concrete around a house?
Re: Box Elder bugs, can Termidor SC be sprayed directly on the box elder tree they are hatching from?
I need to get this inside a wall where there is insulation, is there an oder to be concerened with
I have bought Demon Max from you before but now I don't see it. Do you still have this product?
I'm needing to cover 1200 Sq ft how much do I need to get? How would I put it on??
Is termidor safe to apply within a foot of a garden area, do to carport in the same area
is Termidor SC Termicide/Insecticide safe for dogs and other animals
How would you apply termidor in a flat roof?
pest control tech said he could not retreat with termidor because original company 3 years ago had used premise. He
What is the best way to use Termidor SC to kill crazy ants in a high-rise apartment unit?
For termites, is it better to apply Termidor to the outside of foundation or from the inside of the house?