What product can I use inside my house. We have outside pets, none in the house.
1 answer
Product Questions
are silverfish traps safe for cats ?
How long do I have to leave the Borid Powder around?
2 answers
How is the BXP pro 1 & 2 powered - battery or 110 volt?
Gassing one side of a duplex
Pest Questions
carpenter ants
Can you use Ratzapper MAX in an outdoor shed that keeps out most rain but all?
hi i live in an 2 level apt, im on the 1st flr, there are some woods in the back with small creek. why are there c
German and american roaches whats best get rid of them.
What can I do against rats or mice inside of my toilet pipes
Cambride Vermont
I have been seeing long, jet black objects on and in my carpet and in the lining of some of my clothing.
will this product work on asian ladybugs? Dallas, Texas
max force bait syringe question
my daughter has moths in her pantry. It is a reoccurring problem. What can she use with food in there to kill them
What is the product you recommend for german roaches? I have 3 dogs and trap I used was chewed by dog
How much Termador do I need?
I have a 2 year old and dogs. Can I apply ma this product in house? Is snowing, what can I apply outside the house
Can drain gel be used in a hospital bed room sink.?
Is boric acid harmful to cat?
i have some kind of bee, boring into my firewood. looks similar to a bumblebee. how do i get rid of them?
if applied to firewood, is it safe to use, and or cook over?
Idk what pest but, little brown, black, tan pellets like balls showin up in little, piles on window and floor
inside house lady but spraying
Product Questions, Pest Questions
what is the best product to use for eliminating carpet beetles in my closets & bedrooms
Pigeon Control Measures- Building Facade
is it safe for us to be in our home after having conquer sprayed? furniture and mattress were included in the spra
Sudden influx of small grayish-black flies after burst pipes in house
This product is only used to draw the mice into the traps? I have traps out that the mice keep avoiding PBwontea
Difference between a baby cockroach and baby beetle?
With the demon Wp do you put the whole packet in or just pour contents in?
I have some kind of gnats. They come and they go. I need to know what they are so I can stop them from coming.
how can i get rid of roaches in my plants
Ron -I grow my orchids in a sunroom and under lights If Safari won't work, what about an Imidicloprid product
I need a good residual product to kill scale and mealy bugs on orchids indoors-have you heard of Safari?
My first experience with a mole
General Help
I mashed a cricket that entered my home, and something real thin and wiry crawled out. What in the world was that
We are considering using Prozap in our antique art storage room. Will it hurt the oil paintings in the room?
Can I use Baseline (Bifenthrin 23.4%) to treat for spiral white fly and ficus white fly?
What is the best way to treat bed bugs and german cockroaches?
Sales or coupons?
If a possum is under your shed and you sprinkle shake away around the shed, will it be to freightened to come out?
How to use KM Ant Trap in the garden or in full sun (our house has no shade year round.)
What can be done with clothes from an apt with cockroaches. Plastic bag? for how long? washing machine?
4 answers
Is this product safe for pregnant and lactating female dogs
How much Talstar would I need to treat (trench) perimeter (200 linear feet)?
is it safe for dogs?
hi,have a problem with tintest ants i everseen they are so fast all over the kitchen counters seem to be all over
I have a 4 acres of heavily wooded mango, with fire ants in the trees and everwhere.,how to procede, least costly?
What size area does 1 can cover?