Can this product be used for injecting into wood to treat drywood termites?
1 answer
Termidor HE High Efficiency Termiticide
Does the Drywood Termite Spot Treat Kit have instructions for the best way to apply the products?John
Drywood Termite Spot Treat Kit
Can flea busters be used on laminate and real hardwood floors. We have an infestation in my rental
FleaBusters R X For Fleas Plus
How would you apply Tengard SFR One Shot to a 10 lb dog?
Tengard SFR One Shot Termiticide Insecticide
is it safe to use around my dogs/inside and out?
Talstar PL Granular Insecticide 25 lb Bag
Does this product expire?
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait 30 gram
would this deer gard deter or kill bed bugs
Bird X YardGard Pest and Animal Repeller
when was this book published
Truman's Scientific Guide To Pest Management Operations BOOKSCIGUIDE
We put this around the foundation of our house and now the house has a really strong odor. How long will this last
Demon Max
How much bifen xts would I mix in a 150 tank when spraying grass?
Bifen XTS Insecticide Termiticide
Will this stuff kill "no see ums" also known as biting midges, sand flies along with their eggs and larvae?
Demon WP 4 Water Soluble Sachets
will it dissolve old cobwebs
Web Out
I am in South Korea and my city is Incheon, if I pay with my credit card ($4995), can you ship to S.Korea?
Termatrac T3i Termite Detection Device
How soon can I sleep in the bed after spraying?
EcoSafe BedBug X
is Cy-Kick labeled for use on berries and small fruit in Pa. ?
PT CyKick CS Controlled Release Cyfluthrin
can i use this product to treat dry wood termites?
Premise Foam
How much does 1 bottle take
Can I use this product around my vegetable garden
Bifen IT Insecticide Termiticide
What is the shelf life
Tempo WP Ultra Insecticide
can this be used indoors
Giant Destroyer Smoke Bomb
Does your product kill and trap GNATS?
FlyWeb Fly Light
Does this work on the Sentricon Always Active bait stations?
Hex Pro Termite Bait Station Key
28 oz bottle covers how many square feet?
Shake Away Fox Urine Granules
Im looking for something to kill carpet beetles, larvae, eggs and pupa stage. I need pet safe products
Clothes Moth and Carpet Beetle Kit
are Maxforce Carpenter and gel and Advance 375A Ant Bait suitable for use outdoors. We get rain daily here.
Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel
Is the KM ant bait toxic to cats?
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
What is the shelf life of unopened Advance Carpenter Ant Bait?
Advance Carpenter Ant Granular Bait
Our home interior is untreated knotty pine. We have active infestation powder post beetle. Can we spray directly on
Bora Care Wood Treatment 1 Gallon Jug
will demmon work on army worms
How long will the powder mix stay effective i have a packet dated. REL 9/2014 or should i buy new packet...
what is best for killing roaches
Cyper TC Insecticide
How do you figure 1 qt will make 10 gallons when the mix ratio is 6 oz to a gallon, looks more like 5.3 gal.
Roundup Weed & Grass Killer Concentrate Plus
I would like to chase skunks out from under my deck. Is this product dangerous to people if gets in crawl space?
Do your bait stations come with a key, or does that have to be purchased separately?
EZ Klean Rodent Bait Station
Can I use on a Bermuda lawn that is still dormant?
IMAGE Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Ready To Spray
How is this product applied to the areas?
Essentria IC Pro Insecticide Concentrate 32 oz
Can I use two strips in a sealed bedroom?
Nuvan ProStrips Plus
Are there any chemicals used?
Bed Bug Defender Interceptor
Can I spray Onslaught on exposed wood to prevent carpenter bees from boring holes?
Onslaught Microencapsulated Insecticide
Does this work on chiggers?? And do mix with water for a sprayer?
Alpine WSG Insecticide 500 gram
Is this safe to use on cat bedding? How long should I wait to allow cat to use bed after treatment?
PT Ultracide Pressurized Flea IGR and Adulticide Carpet Spray
does rain affect the hex pro termite traps causing them to popup prematurely? and if so what can you recomend?
Product Questions
Do misting systems work on No Seeums
Can it be added to paint
Permethrin SFR - 32 oz Quart
Does surrender fire ant killer work for killing bed bugs
Bora-Care Effective Only Plywood?
3 answers
Is my ant bait still good?
2 answers
Gourmet Green Way Liquid Ant Bait Quart
can this be used in a mosquito misting system?
how long after applacation can I plant?
Ranger Pro Herbicide
We have an old log cabin that is infested with powder post beetles, is this product safe for indoo use?
Totality Wood Treatment