my rv has been treated 3 times for bed bugs but we still see them what would be the best products for us to finish
1 answer
Product Questions
is it safe for dogs and kids to be around?
Shake Away Rodent Repellent Granules
Which product is best for severe infestation American/German/ and Banded xxxx roaches, Advion or Maxforce FC?
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait 30 gram
after mixed how long can you store
Demon WP 4 Water Soluble Sachets
can i put gravel or turf on top of the the treated soil
Taurus SC Termiticide Insecticide 78 oz
How does Bifen I/T compare to Suspenc SC or Tempo SC?
Bifen IT Insecticide Termiticide
Taurus SC Termiticide Insecticide 20 oz
Can I inject it below ground to control ants in landscape (I have a dog) and how much to use to cover an area
Advion Ant Gel Bait 30 Gram Tube
How many ounces per gallon in backpack sprayer. Using as pre emergent on Bermuda lawn and when
Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide
Does this product work as a an ant bait, direct kill or residual effect? I was told it was a bait to kill the queen
Alpine WSG Insecticide 500 gram
How much tempo to one gallon water
Tempo SC Ultra Insecticide
does it kill bed bug eggs?
2 answers
Martin's Viper RTU Ready-To-Use Insecticide
Whats the setting for Sunniland for chinch bugs 10lbs treats 5,000 sq ft
Scotts Handy Green Spreader II Spreader Model 71133 6565981
When to apply (weather, time of year, southern climate)
Bifen LP Insecticide Granules
Need product for inside and outside. Safe for pets and children. Do you have?
Demand CS Insecticide Concentrate
Maxforce Complete Granular Bait
Maxforce Complete Granular Insect Bait
Is it toxic to pets/free range chickens?
Advance Carpenter Ant Granular Bait
how long does Maxforce FC Cockroach Gel Bait stay effective?
Maxforce FC Professional Roach Bait Gel
Is Niban safe for household pets?
NiBan Granular Bait
how does it compare to products like Cyper TC ( cyphermethrin) ( 3-phenoxyphenyl) /- cis,trans-3-(2.2dichloroethen
We have Varied Carpet Beetle in our house. We have a Conure parrot. Is there anything more than the sticky traps?
Your response to my question about clothes moths
Pest Questions, Product Questions
Can I use the 3.3% in a hose end sprayer and at what rate? My applicator on the bottle fell and cracked.
IMAGE Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Ready To Spray
how to activate the bait arena
Advion Ant Bait Arena
We live in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico. We have drywood termites. can this be used on varnished wood
Product Questions, Pest Questions
can you mix viper with the i g regulator?
Martin's Viper Insecticide Concentrate
Can I spray driftwood logs with termidor and expect that all termites will be dead?
Termidor SC 78 oz
What outdoor flea adulticide is recommended if Bifen I/T and permethrin don't work?
How long will Bedlam Plus keep killing bed bugs after you've sprayed a surface.
Bedlam Plus Pressurized Aerosol
this product is liquid base or foam base. it have experation date or mfg date on it?
WILL it kill carpet beetle larvae AND CARPET BEETLE EGGS?
Temprid Ready Spray Insecticide
Is high yield plus 38 safe to use on vegetable plants
Hi Yield 38 Plus
Is it possible to bait the Ketchall Mouse Trap with pieces of dog food?
Ketchall Wind up Mouse Trap
Safe to use around pets?
Martin's IG Regulator
Is Demand CS labeled for use with fogging equipment?
Is it harmful to young dogs? My puppy ingested a small chunk of the ant granules
NiBan FG Fine Granular Bait
I have 0.42 oz pks of Resolv soft bait- my dog got one-not sure how much she ate. Is it poison.
Resolv Soft Bait
how do you install
Advance 360A Dual Choice Ant Bait Stations
Is Demon WP safe to use around pets in NJ
3 answers
best treatment if we haven't found nest/colony? we see random carpertor ants throughout the house...
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
I Maxx2 or termidor/taurus sc?
7 answers
will this kill carpet beetles
Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer Concentrate RTS
Will DemonWP work on carpenter bees.
what is the mix rate
Viper Insecticide Spray Concentrate
Is Bifen I/T safe for dogs if they eat the grass that has been sprayed and dry?
How toxic is this product for use indoors around small children?
Spectracide Termite Killing Foam
How many years does this checmical keep away Termites, If there was a full Termite treatment done?
Permethrin SFR - 32 oz Quart
I would like to know how long it take to kill spider mites and other pests.
Prozap Insect Guard No Pest Solid Strip
is Termidor SC Termicide/Insecticide safe for dogs and other animals
Termidor SC 20 oz
Gentrol Point Source Roach Control Disk