Will it control cockroachces?
1 answer
Bifen XTS Insecticide Termiticide
What is the difference between deer scram professional and deer scram regurlar (white pail)?
Deer Scram Professional Repellent
how soon before or after rain can product be applied
Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer Granules
I need to use this outdoors. Is it safe around dogs?
Advance 375A Granular Ant Bait
I am using Onslaught and Transport for BM. Do I need a Synergist?
Exponent Insecticide Synergist
Does this work for bird mites?
5 answers
Martin's IG Regulator
Does Ultracide work on clothes moths? I have a can left over from successful flea treatment.
PT Ultracide Pressurized Flea IGR and Adulticide Carpet Spray
How long should you wait after a rain to apply SpeedZone Red?
SpeedZone Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf 2.5 gallon
Is bengal safe for pregnant women?
Bengal Roach Spray
We had one of these stolen by raccoons, What will it do to them if the ingest the poison?
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
Springtail treatments
Can Advance 375A Select Granular Ant Bait be used in a vegetable garden?
3 answers
Product Questions
will this hurt dogs or gardens
Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer Concentrate RTS
Can Essentria IC3 be sprayed on herbs, vegetables. Spiders/webs are collecting on my rosemary plants
Essentria IC Pro Insecticide Concentrate 32 oz
Does it expire
Demand CS Insecticide Concentrate
Are they safe around toddlers
CatchMaster Glue Boards
need best indoor aresol spray for GNATS!!
CB 80 Fogging Insecticide With Pyrethrum
termite excrement on base floor behind the dishwasher wall is exterior cement block, eating furring strips ?
20' pine tree died in less than two months. Ants with pile of shaving. what is best to kill. 300 trees
Termidor SC 20 oz
Is this safe for pets? Is it needed for clothes moths if you're using CB80 and Demand as well?
Precor 2625 Premise Spray
does peppermint essential oil work against silverfish? I heard that cedar oil or chips work.
Dekko Silverfish Bait Paks
How long should I wait before eating vegetables after spraying with neem ready to use?
Natural Guard Neem Ready To Use
Talstar Professional Insecticide (665716) is this good for bees and prevention of bees around the house
how does telstar p exactly kill yellow jacket bee's
Talstar Professional Insecticide
No delivery to Canada?
KM Ant Pro Liquid Bait Dispenser
What threat does this pose to cats and dogs if dug up and ingested?
Talpirid Mole Bait
Does demon work for killing wolf spiders and ticks infesting a lawn? Can children play in the yard?
Demon WP 4 Water Soluble Sachets
I use these in the kitchen. Will they be safe and will they harm pets?
Terro Liquid Ant Bait
is bifen I/t safe to spray on carpet? how about dogs?
Bifen IT Insecticide Termiticide
The ants simply walk around the device. Is there anything that attracts them 'into' the device?
Advance 360A Dual Choice Ant Bait Stations
do you ship to California?
Optigard Ant Gel Bait
will this work on carpet beetle larvae in bedroom carpet?
Residual Fogger
what is range for sprayng roof of house to kill moss on shingles with a liquid?
Solo Back Pack Sprayer 425
If I mix 1.5 oz of suspend sc 0.06 to a gallon of water and 2 oz of tekko pro. what is the concentration rate?
Tekko Pro Insect Growth Regulator
is this product nsf approved and or approved for use in food service establishments.
PT Microcare Pressurized Insecticide
Can you use it on electronics?
PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide Spray
Can you use zenprox EC then bomb for roaches in the same day
Zenprox EC
Maxforce FC Select 30 Gram Roach Killer Gel
Is it harmful to dogs
Kaput Mole Gel Bait
With the CB 80 fogger how big of an area will 1 can cover. I have a 1 bedroom apartment. will 1 can be enough.
Safe for pets?
PT CyKick CS Controlled Release Cyfluthrin
How do I catch a bird mite? Need to catch it for exterminator. Dr. says it is a bite, but he doesn't know kind.
Other, General Help, Pest Questions, Product Questions
is it safe to use to kill mosquito lava in swimming pools
Mosquito Beater Natural Granules
I have powderpost beetles in 2 logs I'm turning into end tables... Would this be a good product to kill them?
Shipping to Singapore
PT Alpine Foam
Is this spray oil based or water basid?
How long does Taurus sc last as a barrier around the foundation of a house?
Taurus SC Termiticide Insecticide 20 oz
how long after roach treatment can i put mythings back in the drawer ?
Bedlam Plus Pressurized Aerosol
Does bifen kill grubs?
will this open the system used by Terminix
Advance Termite Lid Removal Tool Spider Key