For drywood termites, how does Alpine foam (Dinotefuran 0.25%) compare to Termidor foam (Fipronil 0.005%)?
1 answer
PT Alpine Foam
How often does Bifen need to be reapplied around foundations for termites?
Bifen IT Insecticide Termiticide
Is this package pet safe?
Clothes Moth and Carpet Beetle Kit
Is the rat/mouse JFO Pro-Pest Professional Lure pet safe ? I am a dog sitter and I am worried about the dogs...
JFO Pro Pest Professional Lure for Rats and Mice
Can you use Bengal Foggers after applying Demon in the house?
Demon WP 4 Water Soluble Sachets
Do you carry the extension tips? Do you ship to Canada?
B&G 2 Quart Hand Duster M1152A
During the summer I use Nuvan pest strips in my attic. What would you recommend for the winter? Ft Wayne IN
Nuvan ProStrips Plus
Can you purchase this, Martin's Gopher Bait 50 (715992) for use in Dallesport, WA?
Martin's Gopher Bait 50
I have just noticed signs of drywood termintes in my attic - not much just 3 small areas of sawdust - help
Drywood Termite Spot Treat Kit
will this dust work on mites? for example, dust mites?
Product Questions
How do we use it? Apply it? Is it ok for cats and dogs? How often?
Prelude Termiticide Insecticide
is this safe around my small dogs (under 10 pounds)
Gourmet Green Way Liquid Ant Bait Quart
What's the best product to use for roaches that will get rid of them for good? I c them in kitchen and bathroom.
Is this product harmful to pets?
Premise Foam
Will onslaught be effective against Asian lady beetles by spraying the grass and 3 acre field around my house?
Onslaught Microencapsulated Insecticide
Does this product work on all mites? We have mites that cannot be seen but are biting the family... please help!
Steri Fab Bactericide Sanitizer Deodorant
Will spraying DemonWP on outside cedar trim and siding cause any discoloration?
Can this be shipped to New Jersey?
Does Demon stain or leave a residue on baseboards?
Is it safe around pets
Suspend SC Insecticide
Can Transport Mikron be used in a non-thermal fogger? I have a collembola (springtail) infestation; they are
Transport Mikron Insecticide
Is it safe to use indoor around pets?
Onslaught FASTCAP Spider Scorpion Insecticide
Wife treated carpets in house. What are repurcussions?
Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer Concentrate RTS
Bell Final Blox 18 Lb
how do you open or place the ant bait stations . red side facing up or down ?
Maxforce FC Professional Ant Killer Stations
Is it safe to use indoors?
Totality Wood Treatment
Would you ship to Canada (Quebec)? If so, how much would be the shipping fee?
Web Out
how can I get a product shipped to Canada ?
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait 30 gram
is it safe for furniture such as a couch or bed?
Is there any residual carry over. And if so for how long.
If chickens eat the flies that die from the bait, does it hurt them?
Maxforce Granular Fly Bait
Our major gnat problem is in the kitchen. What precautions are needed when using CB80 around food containers and si
CB 80 Fogging Insecticide With Pyrethrum
Do these expire?
Pro Pest Bed Bug Monitors
Does this product have a smell-my bamboo dining table is infested with those beetles that leave a fine pile of dust
Is there an effective product to kill scorpions and spiders that is safe around dogs?
The owl tends to turn its head so that it is facing toward its back. Is there a way I can adjust the head so that
Gardeneer Rotating Head Owl
How long does it last? Also, is there a way to get it up?
is it. safe to use on food crops
PT CyKick CS Controlled Release Cyfluthrin
is it. safe to use on food crops or is there a granulated product that is sage and effective in soil for food crops
How long does it remain effective if kept in the jug for years?
NiBan FG Fine Granular Bait
For residential use, how often do you have to spray (once, monthly, every 3 months etc.)?
Gentrol IGR Concentrate with GENCOR
will it stain treated hard wood floors/ when treating for powder post beetles
Phantom Termiticide Insecticide
Is it safe to close off a detached garage and place the bomb in area where the mice and rat have made their burrow?
Giant Destroyer Smoke Bomb
once applied to bare wood and let dry, can a finish be applied (enamel). and will it stick
Tim bor Professional Insecticide and Fungicide Dust 1.5lb
What effect does Oco Raider RTU Insect Killer have on base boards and hardwood floors?
EcoRaider RTU Pro Insect Killer
Can this product be used to control spiders on a floating dock on a lake
Demand CS Insecticide Concentrate
how do you open terro pco liquid ant killer
Terro Liquid Ant Bait
Termidor HE was applied into a garden. Should I not consume the plants?
Termidor HE High Efficiency Termiticide
Can I use this in a thermal fogger and what is the ratio to use it outdoors in a thermal fogger. Will it hurt lawns
Shockwave Fogging Concentrate