Does triazicide treat armyworms
1 answer
Pest Questions
Is it bird or rat mites?
Will bifen I/T kill sewer roaches & will gentrol IGR work on s sewer roaches as well
Bifen IT Insecticide Termiticide
How much Biden is needed for sewer roaches
Is there a new or improved way to destroy the white beetle known as leaf snatchers
Why is talstsr not killing baby springtails or their eggs
Talstar Professional Insecticide
I have bat bugs in my attic ceiling. Would this work against them? How do I drive them out of nesting areas first?
CB 80 Fogging Insecticide With Pyrethrum
I want to mix crossfire or phantom with cimexa for bed bugs into a slurry and spray hard to reach areas ??
How can I get rid of carpenter ants in my roof?
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
Whole house heat treatment for bird mites? And how to eradicate them from car and shared office space?
2 answers
Which product for north alabama
I bought a house with Sentricon bait stations. Since I bought the home are the stations now my property?
Are gnats and fruit flies drawn to fresh fruit
I noticed you don't sell First Strike rodenticide. Do you have anything similar?
Bell Trapper Snap Trap
is there and IGR bait instead of spray for pharoe ants for in home use?
Are these termites? What kind of termites?
I keep seeing little bitty flat black girls looking bugs then what kind of slow going across my floor I've had to
Vulture problem
I bought a new construction home in 2022 with termite bait stations. Should I treat the home with perimeter chems
If dry wood termites are transported from warm to cold climate in furniture, can they live inside a house?
What is the best way to kill small tan colored moths in my garage,, that came in bags of cat food from the store?
Im gettin bit by something, i can feel bites as they happen-painful. Dont see anything biting, is this bed bugs
what should i do next after termite treatment to foundation pad footings
can oak with pin holes revealed when planed be used for projects
Bora Care Wood Treatment 1 Gallon Jug
Are these weevils and am I doing the right thing?
How to control scorpion in attic
0 answers
I'm a knitter with tons of beautiful yarn, but I just found 2 kinds of moths in my stash!!
I have some trucks with cockroaches in them, what is best to use
Red Flour Beetle in Small Apartment with Cat
Pest Questions, General Help
can tempo wp be used to control lawn moths
How can you get rid of pest with 4ozs of cimeXa
Bed Bug Control Kit 1
Get rid of flies chicken manure attracts
Flies Be Gone Fly Bag
I live in North Las Vegas, for which pests should I treat my home and the perimeter, and how often??
Product Questions, Pest Questions
Hi Ron - I have carpenter ants in my attic in an 1100 sq ft ground floor duplex in SE FL.
Pest Questions, Product Questions
Maggots in my Bedroom
I don't have an infestation of German cockroaches yet. How long will it take for things to get out of hand?
Bengal Roach Spray
Can you fully eradicate Formosan termites on property once it is established? All nest were removed ,
found some tiny amber translucent pellets on mattress under mattress pad cover. then saw tiny pellet like black bu
Something be bitten me but i can't see anything and they leave bumps on my husnand but mot me what is this
Found bed bug
How can I get rid of squirrel in attic. They make noise at the same time every day. The only entrance I can find i
Every day I get multiple large bites But I can never see anything
Powder post beetles
A brown bug that is about an inch long and skinny flew into my room
Can you identify this mite?
Onslaught Microencapsulated Insecticide
We use Greenway/Gourmet ant bait, but every spring get an influx of ants in our home. How do we prevent this?
3 answers
Gourmet Green Way Liquid Ant Bait Quart
I found a single carpenter ant swarmer indoors.
I have a white raised area with pink on some of my body and a rash around hairline. Dust mites?
What product can I use to kill ants in the lawn I seeded last week? I have to water daily.
Bifen LP Insecticide Granules