What do you recommend for known termites in a wall. Outside trenching with Termidor and something for the inside?
1 answer
Termidor SC 20 oz
Whitmire Ultracide for how long works? Is toxic for cats?
PT Ultracide Pressurized Flea IGR and Adulticide Carpet Spray
Can bed bugs survive in a outdoor storage shed during freezing winters?
General Help
how do i get the tube of cockroach gel open pull the red plug out?
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait 30 gram
ship to Japan
Hex Pro Termite Bait System
Your question...What is the best way to remove the half inch seal plug to apply a treatment
How do I catch a bird mite? Need to catch it for exterminator. Dr. says it is a bite, but he doesn't know kind.
3 answers
Other, General Help, Pest Questions, Product Questions
Spray vs granular
carpenter ants
Pest Questions, General Help
Do you ship Dekko Silverfish paks to Canada?
Dekko Silverfish Bait Paks
NY area, what can I use for termites
How can I kill Carpenter Ants that are in a branch high in a Maple tree?
General Help, Product Questions
Sedge hammer
SedgeHammer Turf Herbicide
Termidor SC 78 oz
Can I use termidor Sc liquid barrier and advance bait station. If so how far from trenching do abs need to be pl
Should I spray Insecticide in weep holes when spraying for Roaches on the outside of a brick home ?
D-Force Insecticide With Deltamethrin
Can I use Riptide 5.0% Pyrethrin ULV in a horse barn spraying system
Riptide Waterbased Pyrethrin ULV Concentrate
fly control
Maxforce Granular Fly Bait
is bifen I/t safe to spray on carpet? how about dogs?
Bifen IT Insecticide Termiticide
Can I spray Bora care on the underside of my floor in the crawl space
Is this moth larvae? If so, do you know what kind? I have never seen anything flying around resembling a moth
Clothes Moth and Carpet Beetle Kit
Winged termites
Advance Termite Bait Station TBS
Can you send Prozab Insect Guard Strips to Denmark?
Prozap Insect Guard No Pest Solid Strip
Termites control?
I live in Toronto,Canada and I am looking for Advion Cockroach Bait , do you guys deliver to canada
I have a Roach problem in my kitchen ,,,help....
Pest Questions, Product Questions, General Help
how to use solo pro wall foamer 456-f
ProFoam Platinum Concentrate 8 oz
if my home has no incident of termites on a post tension slab, is getting a barrier essential around the perimeter
Termidor HE High Efficiency Termiticide
Looks like flour beetle larva (or their exos) came up from clogged bathroom sink drain after plunging?
Ron, I would like for you to recommend me a drywood termite specialist for a stair spot treatment in Houston. Thx!
Bora Care Wood Treatment 1 Gallon Jug
Have a tick infestation outside and inside on the dogs on myself
Tick Control Kit
when is your yard too small to use bait stations
Winged insects.
CB 80 Fogging Insecticide With Pyrethrum
need bulk pricing on GB011
will the chapin sprayer make foam for termites
I hear that silicon gel is devastating to bugs is this true and would yo recommend the use of this type of product
who in my area does hex pro installation
We have small black beetles emerging from our shower drain every night. We've cleaned out the drain.
How much Orthene 97 do I use in a hose end sprayer, at what setting, for arborvitae? Do I make a solution first?
Orthene Turf Tree and Ornamental
Termatrac T3i Termite Detection Device
How do i get rid and kill the american and german coachroaches..
Do you have a product that will combat both multi-colored Asian lady beetles and cluster flies in my home?
Onslaught FASTCAP Spider Scorpion Insecticide
Gremar PowerPuff dust applicator.
MYCRS & MUTES. Great Articles! Anything I can take that will kill the mutes & not me? Antibiotics were no sucess
Pest Questions, Other, General Help
Recently, 2 years now! Suffered unimaginably as a hostage to a parasite not mythical! What to do? AMA no help!
is there a store in Merrimack, NH that sells Demon WP
Demon WP 4 Water Soluble Sachets
Drywood Termites in Attic
0 answers
Does any product penetrate pink fiberglass insulation to kill drywood termites?
Product Questions, General Help
Lots of carpenter ants in the insulated garage ceiling, I see some on the sunny deck covering the garage and house
How do I get rid of bats