Had an exterminator come in and spray for roaches and have since found a couple of bed bugs. Will the already done
1 answer
Bed Bug Control Kit 1
After stripping and peeling paint from a door, something was biting me and making me itch severely. Whatwb
Pest Questions
How can I kill flour mites(Tyrophagus putrescentiae) in my room?
Is there an effective pretreatment for stick framing against drywood termites before applying SPF insulation?
0 answers
i've seen some adult clothes moths but no damage to clothes or rugs. Does this mean I have an infestation?
Ccluster fly
Pest Questions, Product Questions
After MONTHS w/ KM baits, had 4 weeks no carpenter ants. Now, suddenly ants. Do they need different bait in summer
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
I have gotten test results from vetdna that I have Dermanyssus Gallinae bird mites in my home. Treatment options?
Onslaught Microencapsulated Insecticide
tiny transparent-winged green worm on wool slippers
where do i get the refined kerosenes--what is the product name--do you sell it
Shockwave Fogging Concentrate
I have termites inside a wall. They are eating through my baseboards? What can I do?
Max Force availability?
Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel
Something is biting me and my head mostly when I look through my camera I see something flying but I can't see it
Tiny. Tic tac size perfectly round balls tan and black balls in my drawers, shoes, totes. What is it?
Powder Post Beetles in a food-related wood stand...in a room full of wood!
How do I get rid of a clothes moth infestation?
Product Questions, Pest Questions
Ideas on how to make the Gourmet Ant Bait more attractive to argentine ants
What product will rid hundreds of ground wasps living around & under our concrete swimming pool deck? Ron
Recently purchased a farm and need some help.
I found carpenter ants in a tree I trimmed can the move to my house and fence. What can I do or what should I do?
What's eating my clothes?
Name that bug! Blonde. Roach-y body, but not disgusting or dark. Just in non-food cabinets. Have found four .
Are bedbug bites contagious?
What is the best treatment for carpet ants.I have a problem inside my house they keep going after sweet things.
I'm trying to get rid of termites without putting a tent over my house, They are in my kitchen cabinets now.
I have a small, fast moving pest in my house that resembles an ant or hard shelled gnat...They move in groups.
follow up to springtail question
Pest Questions, Product Questions, General Help
Isanti MNDoes it work on deer flies?
Pest Questions, Other
Organic Dairy, Chadron Nebraska -- two dairy cows absolutely miserable from flies. What would be safe to spray on
3 answers
Anderson, South Carolina. Is this product harmful to humans?
I have flies bitting and sitting on my dogs. would this help out alot? Martinsville, VA
2 answers
what type of tiny brown flying pests is common in homes in western kansas? found in kitchens and bathrooms.
I have carpenter ants at the base of my oak trees, and an outside dog, what's the best way to kill these ants
Can I get rid of cockroachs by using bleach or any other house hold chemical?
I seem to be having a problem with white legged ants dropping out of my vent in my bathroom
snow shoe PA - will bora care treat red oak trim that has been shellac'ed?
What can we do about earwigs?
Pest Questions, General Help
how do I prevent moving my german roaches into my new home? where should I treat old or new place?
I live in Oakland CA. Just recently I have 10-20 house flies in the kitchen area.
Do I need termite treatment?
How do I use this on veg. gardens. as for as amount especially on tomatoes for stinging bugs.
Can I e-mail you a picture of the flies in my home?
We have flies that fly around in circles in the middle of the room in our home. How do I get rid of them?
My wife found a large (1/2 inch) ant in dark color in the living room. We have seen only one. Ruidoso, NM 88345
My neighbor has had hundreds of crickets to feed his cameleon and justs turned them loose. What do we do about it
How do I identify an insect when I can't see it?
what is the BEST stuff to get rid of spiders, and how do you mix it, I need a spray for under the house and outsie
I have carp ants in a tree, about 15ft high. How best to handle? Thanks
What to use to kill centipedes and millipedes