Can award be used around fruit trees?
1 answer
Award II Fire Ant Bait
My dog had tongue cancer.She hucks food to the back of her mouth but loses bits to to the floor.We have a fly prob
Pest Questions
I used this on my Bermuda lawn about 3 weeks ago, the lawn is looking very brown still, my neighbors lawns are gree
IMAGE Herbicide Consumer Concentrate Ready To Spray
Any assembly required?
Safeguard Standard Rear Release Live Trap
Is Premise 75 any safer for people & pets than Termidor? Will stray cats etc get sick or die?
Can this be used indoors in a kitchen corner?
KM Ant Pro Liquid Bait Dispenser
Does this product kill the bed bugs?
Bed Bug Defender Interceptor
will this actually kill any spiders and is it safe to use on plants?
EcoSafe Cob Web Clean Up
Carpenter Ant Problem Under Kitchen Counter...
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
do they take this to the colonies to kill the queen
Advion Ant Gel Bait 30 Gram Tube
Hi I am trying to find out the type of gnat-like insect that is flying around my salonI have a dead one I
What temp does the water need to be for the bag to completely dissolve?
Top Load Machine AmCan Water Soluble Laundry Bags
What termite bait system do you recommend?
General Help
I have two small (10 lbs) dogs. Are there precautions that need to be taken during and after applying spray?
Demon WP 4 Water Soluble Sachets
I keep getting bitten but I don't see anything what could it be the bites are small red dots and itch like crazy..
Can you ship this to Canada?
2 answers
Gentrol Aerosol with Gentrol IGR
Will the Gourmet Ant Bait harm my cat or dog if they accidnenty get into it?
Steri Fab will it kill mites origin unknown it might be scabies find small biting black bugs on bed, cloth
3 answers
Steri Fab Bactericide Sanitizer Deodorant
I had a termite swarm in the baby room, and I am moving to my new home in 6 days, What should I do? Clem
Termidor SC 20 oz
Can I spray Bifen I/T on my magnolia tree?
Bifen IT Insecticide Termiticide
We have small dark-brown beetles in our home - what is the best way to go about getting rid of them? Thanks.
Is Petcor safe for older dogs?
Petcor Flea and Tick Spray with IGR
My boyfriend house had fleas, how do I know if I brought any back with me?
How long before the KM Ant Pro System starts working
What kind of pump can you use with this to build 40 psi?
BIRD X BIRD PROOF Liquid Spray Repellent
Can I use on a Bermuda lawn that is still dormant?
will this kill ladybugs or asian lady bugs
can you apply this yourself? What type of sprayer is needed? Problem is in the house, where do dead termites go?
Bora Care Wood Treatment 1 Gallon Jug
what is the application rate for wasps?
Permethrin SFR - 32 oz Quart
can this be applied to horse pastures if you keep the horses off of the pasture for 2 weeks
Advion Fire Ant Bait
found unused terminate stakes in garage....postmarked 2004. Are they any good?
Spectracide Terminate Termite Detection Killing Stakes
fly control
Maxforce Granular Fly Bait
I STILL have ant freeways through my house.
What kind of equip. Can be used to dist. Your Product?
Essentria IC Pro Insecticide Concentrate 32 oz
Poway CA Argentine ants in small vineyard, veggie garden and not to house, about 1 acre how many stations needed
How do I control voles? I have six colonies on 1.5 acresof lawn next to my 50 acres of prairie grass.
Kaput Mouse Blocks
How do you apply BedBug Plus to a room?
Bed Bug Control Kit 1
We have flies in our home. What is the best product to use with kids and pets and effective!? Treat outside too?
CB 80 Fogging Insecticide With Pyrethrum
What are the nominal dimensions of the cartridges?
Shatter Termite Bait Cartridge
we have thousands of centipedes on our house porch garage and many many inside everyday. what is the best product
is Cy-Kick labeled for use on berries and small fruit in Pa. ?
PT CyKick CS Controlled Release Cyfluthrin
will this application kill fish
Summit BTI Mosquito Larvacide Briquets
Can I use advance 360A dual choice in the garden. I don't want the water from the sprinklers to wash it away
alternative mosquito misting system concentrate suggestions
Riptide Waterbased Pyrethrin ULV Concentrate
what is the dilution rate for mosquito control
Pyronyl 303 EC 3% Pyrethrum Concentrate
Taurus SC
Taurus SC Termiticide Insecticide 20 oz
How do we get rid of Palmetto bugs?
Tim bor Professional Insecticide and Fungicide Dust 1.5lb
how long to kill an ant
Does it have to be watered in?
Acephate Surrender Fire Ant Killer