I have noticed that by the water, river, ponds, and oceans in FL flying bugs that look joined together.
1 answer
Pest Questions
I have a naive question - what are the ants with wings?
how to get rid of chiggers.
Didn't have much of a problem with bugs inside, until the gardener sprayed outside a few days ago. is this common?
I was wondering if I need to do anything about clover mites that are around my pool area and most likely in the ya
How do I kill flys(swarm) in my garage?
i have garter snakes in my yard and now in my house .im in midwest locale . what is the best plan of attack ?
Will putting liquid ant bait in lids work for carpenter ants?
is it safe to use in kitchen area .... zephyrhills fl. 33541
what is the best thing to do to get rid of roaches?
Product Questions, Pest Questions
wood ants problem in log house
3 answers
Moths have been attacking our old Persian rugs. Can we use this product without harming our cats?
Can we use Sevin on our garden before planting? To kill larve from bugs last year
What is the best for small in house moths?
My home is very clean and something invisible is making me very itchy and then red bumps appear someone plz help I
Carpenter ants not attracted to KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Station. They run away.
is it advisable to perform sub-slab termiticide application together with trenching/soil injection, spraying, wood
2 answers
will vineagar kill these ants thier the tiny sugar ants they took over my house plant and my bathroom
As soon as the weather warms up, my house is filled with flies.
How can I get rid of roaches that seem impossible to get rid of?
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait 30 gram
flys that stay in the house all winter long they have strip on the wings believe are living in the attic
Have hundreds of flys sticking to the outside walls of our house. How to get rid of them
How dos the ProPest Cloth Moth trap capture moth larvae
Carpenter Ant Treatment Question
Box elder bugs
is Bayer advanced insect control better than grub control for grubs?
is it safe for aphids on roses
How is Merit applied to lawns for beetles? How much is needed for 3/4 of an acre?
sub termite around trees
how do i kill cockroaches
i have ants bad and i need something that works does the Gourmet Liquid Ant Bait "WORK?"
which product would you suggest for 2 acrea
What are the best products for holes in closet woolens, suspect clothing moth larvae
which of the too treatments more bullet proof BAITING or CHEMICAL
Can Sulflurimid be used inside of the Hex Pro Bait Stations?
We live in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico. We have drywood termites. can this be used on varnished wood
what if i dont know where the nest is, we find ants in the kitchen, laundry, upstairs bathroom and bedroom? ohio
why do flies congregate in buiding entrances? is the a solution to remove them?
We have a carpenter ant infestation in our house. Do we treat inside, outside or both?
Pest Questions, Product Questions
Will this product work on all ants? I live in the Dallas area and fire ants are an issue. Not sure of ant type.
iam alreadly seeing ticks on my dog and in my yard i wondering what would be the best to use i live in the texas p
How can I get rid of flys around the entry way to my house. In the porch area? It's crazy!
Can Carpet Beetles be elliminated by a just a spot treatment, steam cleaning carpets and vacuming everyday?
HELP! Travelling in motorhome in San Blas, Nayrit State in Mexico, we hit a termite nest in a tree.
General Help, Pest Questions
How do I use Taurus SC on wooden playhouse that sits on the ground that's termite infested? Spray perimeter only?
help in identifying termites
if your home has been treated by termidor (chemical) would the tunnels or tubes be infected as well
How well does the Fly B Gone trap work on biting black flies? We're in southern California.