i read advion is good in killing cockroaches is this the best and safe since i am pregnant.
1 answer
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait 30 gram
Is there any above ground bait for active infestation
2 answers
Termidor Foam Termiticide Insecticide
Bugs in bathtub and beetle larvae
Pest Questions
Is Demand CS or Onslaught Fastcap or Bifen IT/XTS mixed w/ NyGuard best sprayed/mister solution against Mosquitos?
0 answers
NyGuard IGR Concentrate
why do flies congregate in buiding entrances? is the a solution to remove them?
Is the sterifab product safe for dogs? I have a leather couch that was in storage with invisible bugs.
3 answers
What if a 40 pound dog eats 1 contrac block
Contrac All Weather Blox - 4 Lb
I have springtailsonhair on scalp what do I do
What is the difference between Transport GHP Insecticide and Transport Mikron Insecticide?
Transport Mikron Insecticide
20' pine tree died in less than two months. Ants with pile of shaving. what is best to kill. 300 trees
Termidor SC 20 oz
Steri Fab will it kill mites origin unknown it might be scabies find small biting black bugs on bed, cloth
Steri Fab Bactericide Sanitizer Deodorant
What product can I use to kill ant in my front lawn?
Bifen LP Insecticide Granules
Insecticide for palm trees with insect and nutrient problems
I have several kinds of insects from roaches ants spiders and termitesThey are inside and out.can I use Dominion2L
Dominion 2L Termiticide Insecticide
how do you kill mice inside a drop ceiling. I can not get into that area. Is there a fog that would kill mice?
How do I get rid of I believe they are snow fleas can they go onto our dog and cats
Flea Tick and Mange Dip
What other insects, besides bed bugs attack while sleeping in your bed? Next morning leaving bites and welts.
4 answers
Your response to my question about clothes moths
Pest Questions, Product Questions
How do I get rid of Carpenter Bees?
Onslaught FASTCAP Spider Scorpion Insecticide
Can onslaught be used for carpenter bee problems? If not, what do u recommend?
Onslaught Microencapsulated Insecticide
Can scorpions hide under carpet? Use your products often
Carpet Beetle question
what is the best way to identify area of carpenter ant damage, and to locate the queen and colony
Do I have to directly hit a scorpion for Demon WP to kill them.
Demon WP 4 Water Soluble Sachets
How long do spider mites live on clothing after leaving a mmj plant?
local pest control co said based off the pictures I sent that I have Carpet Beetles, not sure bc of my symptoms
How can I get rid of borers in skip laurels (I am told they could be peach tree borers)
American cockroach terror!
Demand CS Insecticide Concentrate
Carpenter ants coming down from our new-ish wood ceiling (put over popcorn). Can't find nest: how to get rid of i
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
Carpenter ants/only see them on telephone wire to roof of house.Ok to use on a roof/slant or need to build platfor
I have treated the home for ants. They disappear, but when we get a heavy rain they are back. Why? Pharoah Ants.
what are the small black bugs eating the hair on my cowhide rug?
We live in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico. We have drywood termites. can this be used on varnished wood
Product Questions, Pest Questions
Carpenter ants not attracted to KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Station. They run away.
What do you recommend for big headed ants
InVict Blitz Ant Granules
I found bed bugs in my sons room, I treated his room, and lightly treated other rooms. Should I treat heavily?
Bed Bug Control Kit 1
wat household product can i use to kill and eliminate brown recluse spiders.boric acid ?
What is best to use to treat an active infestation of Anobiid Powderpost beetles in a barn
Will Demand CS cause staining on the vinyl siding of our house? Spiders?
Some kind of wasp is digging into the cement between the bricks on my house. What kind of wasp is it? Please help!
what to do about flying bugs in bedroom that come out at night and are very fast and nip at you while in bed
Can you spray cracks/crevices while you have carpenter ant bait around house perimeter
I have these tiny (almost the size of a pencil tip) bugs that keep biting me. What could they be? They're brownish
Should Premise be sprayed on a bare brick wall and concrete slab surface as a preventive measure against termites?
Premise 2 Termiticide Concentrate 240ML
What would be the best product to kill and get rid of black widows outside and in the garage?
I sprayed killer for carpenter ants. Will baiting with KM ant pro be effective at killing any nests and queens now
What is the best method and product to kill anobiid powderpost beetles that are inside a chest of drawers?
Advice on toddler and pet safe way to get rid of cockroaches fast.
Springtails, carpenter ants...can I treat for both?